Explore a procedurally generated universe full of diverse micro-planets, asteroid belts and UFOs. Find new parts for your spaceship and collect resources to craft weapons, tools and upgrades. Discover new planets, battle mean robots, and find what is at the center of the universe . . .
- crafting & material gathering ⚒️
- fly to any planet you see! 🪐
- cool space and land battles 🔫
- 7 ship parts to find 🚀
- 10 blueprints to discover 🧬
- 20+ possible upgrades ✨
- 3-4+ hours of playtime 🕒
- space radio with 10 songs 🎵
Play as one of 3 playable characters, each with their own world seed, or try a random seed to see what you’ll find!
Special thanks to Tom for making the audio, aron and tommie96 for providing music and Tijmen for making the radio shows.
(Note: on OSX, the camera in the ship is rotated by dragging RMB as well, as Game Maker can’t lock the mouse on Mac)